Wasteland Style RTS Game Dust Front RTS Steam Page Lives

news Levis Oct 09, 2023

Recently, the new retro wasteland real-time strategy game "Dust Front RTS" developed by game developer RtsDimon has been launched on the Steam page.

Dust Front is a classic RTS with grand strategy elements and a non-linear campaign. Lead strategic maneuvers, overwhelm your enemies with cannon fodder, or stomp them into the stone age with carpet bombing on the lifeless fields of Dust Front.

Global Economy.

Mining and production within territories affects the economic situation in a strategic mode.In the captured regions, news happens, in which players will participate through mini-dialogs. Merchants with resources and mercenaries with unique units can also appear.


Technology branches.

Unlock new units and buildings, improving and equipping them with more modern ways of destruction will lead to quick victories.Players troops gain ranks and can be moved from battle to battle in a strike group or be as part of a defensive garrison, giving the ability to lead veterans from start to end.


Simultaneous Planning and Turn-Based Movement.

The main action occurs on the next turn. Players need to plan their actions in advance and anticipate enemy maneuvers in order to be in the right place at the right time.

Three powerful factions have a rare superweapons that can wipe cities to dust, turn them into a breeding ground for incurable diseases, or move entire armies straight into the chasm.
