David Kim's New RTS Game Battle Ace is in Closed Beta Test

news Levis Jun 28, 2024

Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games have always had a dedicated fanbase but often struggle to attract a broader audience. One of the main reasons is the high learning curve associated with RTS games, which includes understanding the characteristics of different races, faction bonuses, and every branch of the tech tree. But what if we could create unique tactics by simply remembering specific "decks"? Would it be easier to dive into the world of RTS and compete with other players?

David Kim's new game, "Battle Ace," aims to break down these entry barriers with its "deck-building" system. Players choose 8 units from a total of 40 and build a deck to use in the game. Throughout the match, you compete using only the units from your deck. There are no races, only "number battles."

Players can focus solely on unit production and combat. Since the unit pool is already set, there's no need to build structures other than additional bases (multiple). Workers automatically produce resources over time, requiring no separate operations. Introducing "Battle Ace," a "short-form RTS" that compresses the fun of the genre, leaving only the core gameplay.

Although "Battle Ace" simplifies the system, it doesn't strip it down. Once you become familiar with your deck, you can experiment with new tactics and different combinations.

The in-game user interface is very simple, almost like a mobile game. You can switch between the construction menu and the unit operations menu by pressing the Tab button. While tech tree upgrades take some time, unit production happens instantly, resulting in a fast-paced game flow. Battles in "Battle Ace" last no more than 10 minutes.